Saturday, August 6, 2011

Geneva Photographer: Sisters!

This was such a sweet group to photograph! Alyssa wanted portraits of her daughter for her 1st birthday, but it just happened that her sister and nephew would also be in town from California at the same time. So I thought it would be great to photograph all of them together! I have a sister and I can't think of a moment we have been photographed together with our kids and I love the idea!
The day of our photo session happened to be one of the crazy hot days here in Chicagoland, but luckily we met early and worked fast! The kids were great and so cute together. And (of course) Alyssa and her sister were beautiful!

So, Happy 1st Birthday Emelie and I hope your visit with your sister was wonderful, Alyssa!
Here are some of my favorites from our morning together...

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